How a theatre project changed lives
In September 2016, Lucy Riley, a drama teacher at Archbishop Sentamu School in Hull set up The Spotlight Scholarship programme to help gifted and talented pupils from within the school to further reach their potential. The school lies in the 16th most deprived area in the U.K. and pursuing a career in the arts for any of these pupils can seem unachievable especially as many pupils are lacking in self-belief. Pupils are selected for the scholarship due to their outstanding talent and are afforded an additional 75 minute lesson on their timetable to develop their performance skills enabling the school to tackle more advanced techniques and bring in industry professionals to conduct workshops. At a time when the arts are continually facing cut backs in schools this programme is extraordinary and unique. In order to launch the scholarship, Lucy approached Jane and John who done previous drama work in the school. It was decided that Jane would write and direct a play with music and songs which would play to the strengths of the Spotlight ensemble.